I Knocked Him Out (Love at First Crime Book 2) Read online

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  “Grow what back?” I’m thrown by his sudden words. It’s as if he started a discussion in the middle instead of at the beginning.

  “My beard. It’ll cover the bruise so it won’t be noticeable.”

  “Oh, right. Good idea.”

  The silence stretches again. It’s amazing how two people who have known each other since they were nine and twelve have nothing to say to each other.

  “What made you shave it off? You’ve had it for at least ten years.”

  He shrugs. “I thought I needed a change. The best man at Zander’s wedding shouldn’t look homeless.”

  Wow, an actual sentence where there was no hate directed at me. Is this a first? Should I mark the date on my calendar?

  Damn, I left my phone in my suitcase.

  “You didn’t look homeless … exactly.”

  He raises his eyebrow at me before turning back to the road.

  “Okay, you looked a little homeless … sometimes. But half your clothes have holes in them somewhere, and you did let the beard get a little tatty,” I defend my harsh assessment.

  “Let me guess, you prefer this look?” He shakes his head like he has me all figured out. What is wrong with liking a clean-shaven man, anyway?

  “I like that your clothes right now don’t look like they need a wash, and I do like your clean-cut look. Personally, I think you look better with a beard. Not the shabby, rundown one you had before, but the trimmed one that still shows you have a chin shape.”

  “You prefer me with a beard?” Declan’s mouth is hanging open now. I don’t understand why he’s so shocked by this.

  “Sure. Why not?”

  “I … I don’t know. I just pictured you liking things a certain way,” he admits, which is not a surprise at all.

  “Well, there is one thing for certain here. You know nothing about me.”

  He snorts. “I know a lot more than you probably realize.”

  I don’t know what he means by this, but as we pull into the airport’s long-term parking, we don’t speak while Declan grabs a ticket and finds a parking spot.

  I’m ready to get out of his presence and find Ava and Jensen. I might have never spent any alone time with Declan, but this awkward and occasionally hostile car trip explains exactly why that is.

  I wait outside as he grabs my suitcase, and before he can even attempt to carry it, I wheel it along.

  “Thank you for the ride,” I call from over my shoulder, rushing away.

  Since he walks at a much slower pace, I assume he wants to get away from me, too. However, just like my eyes were on him when we made our way to the car, I feel his eyes on me as I race toward the terminal.

  Is he having similar thoughts about my own body?

  I have on tight, light blue jeans that hug my ass beautifully, as well as a hot pink sweater that hangs long over one side and sits high on the other side of my waist. Given how my afro is sitting at the moment, you can see my exposed shoulder and quite possibly my bra strap.

  Does he find me attractive? Is he hating himself a little for checking me out?

  No, wait, I don’t care. Time to forget Declan exists again. Or, at least until we are forced to face each other at the wedding.

  I hope this trip doesn’t mean more alone time with Declan. Hopefully, we will rarely see each other and have zero interaction.

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t be more wrong.

  Chapter 2

  “… and then he said, he did!” Bowen Pizor delivers the punchline.

  The joke is not at all funny, yet I give him my best laugh.

  His eyes warm up as he stares at me. For a moment, I feel him undressing me with his eyes.

  “So, Bowen, what did you think about the stocks falling over in …” Dad mutters, and I immediately tune out as he cockblocks me in his usual, blind-to-his-social-surroundings fashion. He’s all business. Even in social events like a wedding rehearsal, he can only handle so much talk that doesn’t revolve around his work.

  As much as Dad can’t stop himself from turning every situation back to his job, I can’t stay focused on a business conversation to save my life. I know I only have a few minutes of standing still and pretending to listen before that grows too boring.

  As happy as I am that I was able to help give this location to Zander and Ava for their big day and reception, I wish my parents hadn’t hijacked it for their own purposes.

  Villa Curlett is situated just north-west of San Jose, and it is absolutely stunning. Nestled in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains, it sits on a huge property that boasts amazing views of the surrounding gardens, along with many hiking trails close by. It has incredible views of the sun setting and even has a theater. Add in my father’s own helicopter to view the grounds and a live-in pilot, and this place is heaven. Which is why I couldn’t resist giving Zander and Ava the villa for their special day.

  I’m not sure they cared either way where they got married. The original plans being thrown about were to just have it at a local park and to go to a nice restaurant for the reception. Not that I’m a snob or think there was anything wrong with that, but I had access to this slice of heaven, so I would have been the worst friend in history not to give this to them. And sure, I didn’t have to pay a cent to get it. Just had to make a phone call to my mother, which is more painful than you would think.

  I had to put up with question after question of when I was going to give up that “silly job” and join her full-time on the social circuit.

  She doesn’t understand me, or the life I made for myself.

  For Zander and Ava, though, I put up with that awful phone call and was forced to make a promise to visit my parents soon. Never did I expect them to show up at the villa … with their friends, which definitely nulls my promise to visit them soon.

  The weeks of anxiety it gave me is also punishment enough to go a few more years with zero contact with either of them. Unfortunately, by the time I knew of their plans, our flights were booked and Ava had her heart set on this place. Therefore, there was no going back.

  My parents were actually friends with Zander’s parents. They were neighbors for most of my young life, all living in an average house, in an average neighborhood, and with boring jobs. Then my dad got promoted, and promoted again, and then so did my mom. Suddenly, their lives were only about work, and I was left alone more often than not.

  When my parents decided to rent an apartment closer to the city and their jobs, I refused to leave. By this time, I was fourteen and didn’t care to go to a private school or get some fancy new apartment. I was angry at them for changing and for abandoning me. Therefore, I abandoned them by refusing to budge. And I got my way.

  My grandmother came to live with me, and I stayed in my childhood house until I finished school. Those were four of the best years of my life, purely because I rarely had to put up with them.

  And now my parents are feeling nostalgic or something, because they wanted to see Zander getting married. And of course they brought eight of their closest business friends who have never met Zander in their life.

  I am annoyed about it all, but Bowen has eased my anger up a little.

  He looks like he’s in shape, tall, and perhaps a little over his forties. I have never gone for an older guy, but this guy is rocking it. Confident and strong, he’s also smart and incredibly put-together. He’s clearly close to, or as wealthy as, my parents. He’s business smart, but he doesn’t appear obsessed like my dad. He’s happy to have a drink, a laugh, and when he looks at me, I know I have his entire attention.

  Bowen proves he might be even more the perfect man for me when he cuts Dad off and redirects the conversation back to me.

  “So, Sasha, you are looking lovely tonight.”

  My cheeks heat, and I realize I’m blushing. Yes, Sasha Jennings is blushing! When have I ever done that?

  “Thank you,” I say as I nervously flatten my hands down the sundress I have on.

  The dress is casual,
as are the flats I paired with it, but I actually made an effort with styling my afro and adding a few bangles around my wrist and some long necklaces that rest against my cleavage. Add in the killer earrings I have on, and I cleaned up quite nicely.

  “I’m just waiting for the wedding rehearsal to start.”

  The wedding rehearsal was purposely scheduled three days before the big day so that us girls can have the bachelorette party tomorrow night. That is something Ava demanded we have here after she saw the place. The boys had their bachelor party a couple weeks ago.

  We then have one day to recover before the big day. The day after the wedding, we all leave to go back to our homes, while Zander, Ava, and Jensen, their son, travel to their honeymoon.

  A week in the Bahamas sounds perfect, even if they couldn’t be talked out of taking Jensen with them. To me, a toddler sounds like the perfect way to kill the mood, but they are set on taking him with them. Van, Zander’s almost sixteen-year-old brother, is going to stay with friends so he can keep enjoying his summer vacation at home without the risk of overhearing anything to scar him. Those are his words.

  After hearing my fair share of Ava and Zander in the office, I have to say he’s made the right choice.

  “Ah, yes, the wedding we’re all here for.” Bowen gives me a quick eye roll, and the most pathetic giggle erupts from me.

  He just smiles wider, resting his hand at my elbow.

  “Perhaps, later on, we can meet up for our own celebration?” He winks, and I immediately feel embarrassed that this man just propositioned me in front of my father. However, a quick glance at him finds he has turned his side to us so he can speak to someone else.

  “Well, I … umm …” Yep, I am at a loss for words.

  Sasha Jennings has lost the ability to form a sentence.

  I’m always Ms. Cool. I’m never tongue-tied or affected so much by a guy. But I suppose this isn’t just any guy. This is a man. A real man.

  My body shivers at just the thought of letting this man control my body. I bet he can make me sing with just a few touches, a few words.

  “Sasha, darling, don’t tell me you came here without a date!” Mom, my second cockblocker of the night it seems, interrupts us.

  “Mom!” I snap at her, unable to stop myself from sounding so shrill.

  What a turn on, Sasha!

  “You’re almost thirty. When are you going to stop messing around with your life and—”

  “Are we seriously going to do this now?” I cut her off, glaring daggers at her, which she is unfortunately immune to.

  “Yes, we are. You don’t ever answer my calls and—”

  “Mom! Can’t you see I’m talking to this nice man?” I bulge my eyes out at her, and her attention finally shifts to Bowen.

  “Oh, Mr. Pizor, how nice to meet you again.” Mom allows him to kiss her hand.

  I feel a little sick at the seductive smile she gives him, along with the rundown of his body.

  What the hell!

  “Mrs. Jennings, lovely to see you again.” He even bows a little, though his eyes look up at me and I catch the quick wink he gives me.

  All at once, I feel warm and grin big at him.

  “I was just asking your sister here”—he pauses while Mom does a delighted squeal at that fake, ass kissing remark—“if she would perhaps like to accompany me to—”

  I hold my breath, waiting for the words that I’m dying to here, only to be cockblocked by the third person of the night.

  And it’s Declan fucking Lockwood.

  “Babe, the rehearsal is about to begin.” He wraps his arm around my waist as he brings me in close to his side.

  “Babe? Wait, is this your boyfriend?” Mom carefully asks, her eyes roaming over Declan. This time it isn’t sensual; it’s assessing. She is likely trying to figure out if he’s rich or not. From the frown that finally resides over her face, I’m assuming she decides he’s clearly not.

  I attempt to save myself from whatever the fuck Declan is trying to do. He’s likely messing with me because he’s the biggest douchebag around. “Of course he—”

  I don’t get more words out since Declan seals his mouth over mine, preventing the rest of my denial while he holds me in place so I can’t escape. To be honest, I’m too shocked by this turn of events to resist.

  However, when he attempts entry by way of his tongue, I wake up from this strange alternate reality I have slipped into and bite down hard on his bottom lip so he pulls away.

  “Declan! What the hell is wrong with you?” I snap, shoving at his chest. The muscled oaf barely moves an inch.

  “Sorry, babe, I know you don’t like it when I kiss you in public, but you’re just so irresistible in that dress,” he grumbles. His eyes almost look like they are pleading with me, while a strained smile touches his lips. Lips that currently have my cherry lipstick all over them.

  My mouth drops open. Not only because Declan gave me a compliment, which would be the first time in the almost twenty years I have known him, and because a tiny part of me actually finds him unbelievably adorable with my lipstick smeared over him, but because he’s trying to keep up this ruse.

  “I … What …?” I am again lost for words. Then my heart drops when Bowen gives me a quick, disappointed nod before he excuses himself.

  My mom huffs, delivering an icy glare at me, before following after him.

  As soon as their backs are turned, Declan drops his hands from me like I burned him.

  “What the fuck?” I hiss at him, suddenly aware there are more guests beginning to mill around.

  “What the fuck, indeed. Do you know who that asshole is?” Declan rounds on me, his body easily a full foot taller than me and likely double or triple my own weight. However, I don’t care that he could crush me. I don’t care that he is stronger than me. I just care that he stepped so far over the line of what is okay that I’m tempted to punch that scowl off his face.

  “The only asshole I see in the vicinity is you!” I poke his chest hard, already knowing I probably hurt my finger worse than the action caused him.

  He grabs my wrist and hauls me against his chest, getting right in my face so I can’t escape his words or his eyes. “No, that is the asshole I just overheard talking to one of his men about how much fun he was going to have breaking you.”

  “What?” I snap, caught off guard by this turn of events.

  “He’s a creep, Sasha. I don’t know who he is, but he’s got his eye on you. He gives me a bad feeling.”

  “A bad feeling? Seriously, Declan, that comment could have meant anything.”

  Surely that guy isn’t a creep. I never got any creepy vibes off him. I’m usually pretty good at judging people, or at least sensing creeps. Not that it’s prevented me from dating a few …

  Okay, I don’t have the best track record on spotting creeps. Still, Declan has never paid any interest to my dating life, and he’s seen a few of the creeps I ended up with. Not a peep out of him then, so why now?

  “Breaking someone could be taken in a few different ways, but none of them are good, Sasha.” When I open my mouth to reply, having no idea how I can argue that point, he keeps talking. “But maybe I misheard him or whatever,” Declan concedes, though there is a sarcastic edge to it that makes me think he doesn’t actually concede at all. “I get a weird vibe off him. Add in he looks familiar, and I don’t like it.”

  “Add in he looks familiar? What does that even mean?” I scoff as I pull my wrist out of his grip and place both hands on my hips.

  Plenty of people look familiar for some reason or another. That is no reason to write someone off!

  “I spend most of my time looking into and chasing assholes. Use your head, Sasha.” Declan glares at me. I hate how he can make me feel like an idiot with so few words.

  “Well, too bad. I don’t care what you do and don’t like!” I take a step forward. Because of how close we already are, that means there is almost zero room between our bodies. “I’m a g
rown woman, and I am telling you now to butt out of my life.”

  “Grown woman? You are a trust fund baby who hasn’t had a real problem in her entire life.”

  I gape at him, stupidly underestimating how cruel Declan can be.

  “Well, if that’s the case, then Bowen must not be a problem, either. Stay the fuck away from me!” I shove my hands against his chest and gain a few inches of space between us so I can pass him and stomp away.

  I might be acting a little dramatic in my storming off, but I think I deserve to indulge a little. If only for the reason that Declan is a jerk and a bastard all rolled up into an outer shell that might look attractive, but he is completely ugly on this inside.

  He has always done his best to upset me. When we were kids, it felt childish. Now that we are adults, it feels vindictive.

  Growing up, I had Zander, Joey, and Artie, who I ended up loving like brothers. They very quickly became my family. Then we were all devastated when Artie died seven years ago when he was killed on his first day of being a police officer. While we all are still dealing with that awful loss, I know it hit the guys worse than me. But we banded together and came out stronger. Now that Zander is marrying Ava, has baby Jensen and his younger brother Van, they are all part of my family.

  Declan has always skated the outskirts of that. He’s always been around, and I know deep down, if I were in serious trouble, I could rely on him to get me out of it, hence him helping me get rid of that creepy stalker in college, but there has always been a divide between us. Something that has kept us from getting closer.

  It would probably be upsetting if I wasn’t so used to it.

  Now it just feels tiring.

  “Sash!” Ava calls out to me, rushing over to pass off a sleeping Jensen. “Do you mind holding him while I go pee?” she asks before racing off without an answer.

  I guess the girl seriously has to pee.

  I move farther into the small gathering, noticing Joey with his date; some woman we only just met yesterday on the plane named Kay. Just from seeing them together yesterday, I already know she isn’t “the one” for Joey. He needs more of a challenge, and this woman is completely smitten with him. He could tell her to strip naked in front of everyone and she would do it, not because she’s some nudist who is comfortable with her body, but because, if she thought it would make him like her more, she would be up for it. She’s perfectly nice, maybe a little shy, but just not the one.