I Knocked Him Out (Love at First Crime Book 2) Page 6
Zander opens the door almost immediately, his eyes widening as he takes in the state of Ava. Then he wraps his arms around her and lifts her like she weighs nothing.
“I love you,” she informs him, giving his jaw a kiss that goes on a little long and includes tongue.
I can’t tell if she intended to French kiss his jaw, or if she seriously thinks she is kissing his mouth.
“How much did you give her to drink?” Zander’s voice sounds accusing as he walks into his room and places her gently on their bed.
Like we had to force any drinks down her!
I glance around and see Declan is in the room, his arms wrapped around Jensen, who is slumbering in his arms. I hate that I again notice how attractive he looks holding a baby in his arms.
His eyes travel down me, his gaze almost like a caress, which makes me uncomfortable enough that I take a step back, standing in the doorway now.
“She spilled more than she drank; hence her dress becoming transparent. Once her boobs came out, we thought it best to call it a night,” Cynthia says, her voice turning quieter as nerves set in.
While I don’t care what I say or how I act around Zander, a man who is more like a brother than a boss, Cynthia is still figuring out that, when office hours are over, Zander just becomes one of her best friend’s partners and nothing more.
“Good call,” Zander mutters, losing his balance when Ava reaches up and pulls on his shirt, causing him to fall on the bed beside her.
“We decided we’re going to have twenty—no, thirty? No …” Ava turns her gaze over to us. “How many babies are Zander and I gonna have?” she asks us as if this isn’t all her crazy.
“We should probably leave …” Cynthia mutters, her own beeline for the doorway meaning I step out into the hallway completely, Declan’s gaze having no more hold over me.
“Yes, go! We need to have sex right now!” Ava announces.
That is definitely our cue to scatter.
Cynthia gives me a quick hug outside her room, which is only two doors down from Ava and Zander’s, before shutting the door and thankfully saving me from having to muster up any polite talk for Vanessa.
When I get closer to my own room, one that is another three down from Cynthia’s, I am stopped short when Bowen suddenly appears.
He’s back, and I never heard any warning that the helicopter had returned.
“My, don’t you look gorgeous tonight.” He smirks, stepping into my personal space as he leans so close into me that I feel his breath over my ear. “You smell even better. I just want to lick you all over.”
My mouth drops open at his brass comment.
Sure, I smell like all kinds of different alcohol, but to say something like that to me is completely inappropriate. And after my dry spell, if he hadn’t been so creepy and potentially tried to drug me, I would have likely loved having a man confident enough to say that. Mostly because it insinuates he wants to give me head.
God, what I wouldn’t give to have a man go down on me.
“Babe, wait up,” Declan calls out, his quick footsteps shuffling over the carpet. As it grows louder, I feel a little of my unease dissipate.
“Shame. You know where to find me if you want to have a real man give you pleasure, and not that limp, pathetic excuse over there.” His cocky words don’t entice me; they have the opposite effect.
He knows nothing about Declan, yet he assumes he can’t satisfy me?
What an asshole!
“I hope we don’t keep you up tonight,” I tell him, turning to face Declan when his hand hits my back and immediately initiating a kiss between us.
Our kiss this time around is much more pleasurable. For one, I’m not completely surprised by it. And two, it lasts longer, and therefore, I am able to actually get into it.
Declan doesn’t miss a beat as he wraps his arms around me, molding me to his hard frame. I wrap my hands around his neck, sliding my fingers into his hair as I hold him to me.
Declan’s kiss is hot, wet, and mind melting. It’s almost like we have been kissing like this for years, like we know each other so well. We are so synced that our mouths dance to a beat that feels natural, as well as lights a fire between us.
I have no idea how long we go at it for, but when we do suddenly come up for air, it’s to find Bowen’s door slamming shut and Cynthia gaping at us from only a short distance away.
“Shit, Cynthia, what the hell?” I gasp while I try to catch my thoughts.
Declan tightens his arms around me as he, too, appears to become aware of the world.
“Is this how you act when there is nothing happening between you two?” she asks innocently before a huge grin breaks out. “I knew you guys had something! We should triple date some time!” she throws that one out before she continues past us for who knows what reason she has for being out here.
I want to call out and tell her she’s wrong, but Bowen might overhear, and then we will be back to square one.
“That was … unexpected,” Declan mutters, still seeming dazed.
“Come on; we need to make some good noises in my room,” I tell him, opening my door with the key and moving straight over to my suitcase.
“Is that your way of asking for sex?” he asks, closing and locking the door behind him before eyeing me warily.
“First of all, I wouldn’t have to ask. You’d be the one begging me for that.” I smirk a little after saying that. “And secondly, no, I don’t mean we should have sex. I mean, we should sound like we are. Bowen insinuated you wouldn’t be able to satisfy me.”
Declan’s eyes narrow as he moves his hands to his hips, outrage taking over. “He fucking what?”
“I’m going to wash off this stinky alcohol, and then we’ll have loud sex on the bed. Knock the frame against the wall a lot.” I leave him with that, rather liking the flash of desire he gives me before I close the bathroom door.
I take a quick shower, brushing my teeth while I wash to hasten this along, because I am actually tired. After almost no sleep last night, wedding preparation all day, and then a full dinner and too many drinks, I’m about ready to crash.
I don’t think too hard about the fact that I rarely let anyone see me without at the very least makeup and a pushup bra on when I put my shorts and tank top pajamas on before exiting the bathroom, sans makeup and my hair in a state I can’t be bothered to tame. That is, until Declan’s shocked gaze proves that he doesn’t expect me to look like this.
“Let’s get our freak on,” I tell him, getting onto my knees on the bed before climbing to my feet. Then I begin jumping, causing the bed to bang against the wall, and moaning loudly. Soon, Declan is up with me, helping.
“Oh, baby, you’re so big!” I groan loudly, glancing at Declan, whose mouth is agape. “Oh, that feels so good, baby. Harder! Make me feel you between my legs all day tomorrow!” I moan again, watching in fascination as Declan’s cheeks redden. “That’s the spot right there. Oh, baby!” I squeal now, and then I look expectantly at Declan.
“Seriously, you’re going to give me nothing?” I hiss. “This is your reputation we’re defending here. I would have thought you were into dirty talk,” I continue, then wonder if I pushed him too far when his eyes narrow on me.
We almost made it a full twenty-four hours without arguing, and I had to ruin it by pushing him. Except, Declan doesn’t react how I assumed he would.
Instead of getting angry, he steps into me as I’m jumping, wrapping his arms around me mid-jump. My legs are no longer touching the bed and I’m flushed against him when he leaps down off the bed, forcing a shout of surprise out of me. Then he walks me up to the wall beside the nightstand and dresser, the wall that joins my room and Bowen’s.
“What are you doing?” I whisper, wrapping my legs around him when he rubs his jean covered hard cock against my core.
Holy shit, Declan is hard!
“Your tits are mouthwatering normally, but with you jumping up and down, I can’t resist,�
� he admits, nowhere near loud enough for Bowen to possibly hear.
“Dec, this is supposed—”
“Why pretend when we can both get something out of this?” he asks, his eyes full of hunger. Then he leans down and covers one breast with his hot, wet mouth while, with his free hand that is not the one cupping my butt, he moves up to squeeze my other breast. The result sends an electrical charge over my body and straight to my clit.
“Fuck!” I gasp, my back arching off the wall as I shove both hands into his hair.
I have no idea what we are doing, what is happening between us, but I also don’t currently give a shit.
When he sucks hard, I let my head bang against the wall. Then he shifts so I’m no longer straddling his hips, but his thigh. In this position, I find myself riding him, his hard thigh rubbing over my clit as I moan like a hussy in heat.
He kisses me as I unbutton his jeans and lower his fly before pushing my hand down his pants, gripping his cock through his boxers. I love the searing heat of him in my hands, and feel a small amount of gratification that there is nothing lacking in Declan’s size. That is almost the last comprehensible thought I have before an orgasm rips through me.
I break apart from Declan’s kiss, my cry loud as he shoves me several times against the wall, wringing out my pleasure while I keep stroking him, helping him find his own release, which causes him to punch the wall beside us as he releases. His own roar is enough to send tingles down my spine. And then we are silent as our heavy breathing surrounds us and our thoughts finally catch up.
Shit, I just rode Declan’s leg until I climaxed! And I gave him a hand job at the same time!
Of all the things I thought would happen during my time away, this never would have even entered the realm of possibility.
What the hell happens now?
Declan steps back, wrapping his arms back around me. My feet remain off the floor as he moves me over to the bed, carefully settling me down with him on top.
I pull my hand out of his pants, feeling awkward since I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with either hand now.
“You okay?” he asks quietly, his voice low since he’s barely millimeters away from me.
“Sure.” I sound far more confident than I feel.
“Thank you for that,” he tells me, sounding sincere, even if the words are cheesy.
“You’re welcome?” When my voice squeaks a little at the end, I clamp down on my lips.
“Seriously, seeing your face as you came, feeling your heat against my leg … Fuck, you’re incredible. I always knew you were hot, but no way can I look at you again and not see that image. I’m going to be hard constantly around you now.” He grins like this news doesn’t bother him in the slightest.
Wow, okay, still cheesy, but also kind of hot.
What is wrong with me? I should be disgusted at myself … shouldn’t I?
“Lost it in your hand, but I’m already hard for you again,” he says, and my eyes drift down his shirt as if I could see all the way down to his crotch. Since he’s leaning over me, I don’t see that far.
As if he believes I need confirmation, he shifts until I feel him against my thigh.
He’s seriously hard again already!
“Dec …” I murmur, unsure what I want to say.
“We’re going to ruin this, aren’t we?” he asks when I don’t continue.
“Ruin what?” I sound dazed as he leaves his hard cock resting against me.
What a tease!
“Whatever the fuck is going on between us.”
But there isn’t anything between us, is there?
“What are you talking about?”
“Always liked you, Sash,” he admits softly, but then his eyes harden at his next words. “Sure, you’re spoiled, and you were a brat when we were kids,” he informs me, and my warm afterglow begins to quickly dissipate, “but I always had a soft spot for you. The last few days … that kiss earlier … your body …” He shakes his head, his voice quieting like he’s talking to himself now, like I’m not really with him. “Never knew I could want you so much. You always dish out so much ugly. Never knew you had some serious beauty inside you.”
“You should seriously quit while you’re ahead,” I warn, not that he’s ahead anymore.
“I’m being serious. This can’t ever go anywhere. Never could deal with your lifestyle or mesh with it, but fuck, I’m going to be dreaming about you and this moment for the rest of my life.”
“My lifestyle?” I ask, stuck on that word.
“I make regular money, which you already know. My family was dirt poor, my dad in prison.” He shrugs like that explains it.
“So, you can only be with someone who has a family member incarcerated?” I ask sarcastically.
“What?” His eyes narrow at me now, his own anger clearly growing. “You know that’s not what I mean.”
“What do you mean, then?” I ask as I push him back, sitting up and crossing my arms over my chest, hiding the wet spots over my nipples where he sucked them and trying to ignore the feel of the material scraping over the sensitive peaks.
He stands, looking down at me. “Sasha, your parents would hate me. You would laugh at my meager savings. You would hate the lack of social events I go to. And you definitely would hate that the only tux I have is the one I’m wearing for this wedding, which is rented.”
My blood begins to boil as my temper flares. Eighteen years we have known each other, yet Declan doesn’t know me at all. He thinks I care about being rich. That I care about social statuses. He thinks I care what my parents think! Is he seriously that blind?
“I think you should leave. I’m tired, and I think we made our point to Bowen,” I tell him instead of what I really want to do, which is yell in his face about how wrong he is about me. What is the point? Why bother changing his mind about who I truly am when it will lead nowhere, anyway? Declan obviously only sees me as some shallow, money hungry, social climbing asshole if he really thinks all that about me.
Declan narrows his eyes. “Are you angry with me?”
Yes! “No, I’m tired. I stayed awake all last night, keeping an eye on you, and today was busy. I need to sleep so I don’t pass out during the wedding.”
“Speaking of last night, I think you owe me an apology,” he infuriatingly informs me.
Blood is definitely at a boiling point now.
“Well, you owe me a thank you that I never received, so let’s call it even. Get out.”
“A thank you? Are you out of your mind?”
“Yes, I clearly am. Now, a woman has asked you to leave her room. Are you seriously going to ignore my request?” I keep eye contact with him while trying to keep my tone neutral.
I don’t want him to realize that I’m angry and upset.
Declan stares at me a little while longer, before shaking his head and walking toward the door.
Neither of us even removed any clothing, so there is nothing stopping him from escaping immediately. He has already done his fly and button back up. He still doesn’t leave, though, just keeps his hand on the door handle as he looks back at me.
“I don’t know what turned you sour just now, but don’t think I’ll ever forget that you came for me tonight.” And with that parting comment, he leaves.
I throw myself back onto the bed, my arms spread out, as I wonder how the hell I just got myself into this mess.
Why is it that one of my hottest orgasms had to be with Declan Lockwood? Why did I have to get all defensive about Bowen’s comment? He’s the reason we shared that hot kiss, and what happened in my room was a direct response to that. And why the hell does Declan have to be such an amazing kisser?
Why is the world messing with me now? What have I done to deserve such crap Karma?
Surely it won’t be impossible to avoid him from now, despite the fact that we are both in the wedding party and are going to be in close proximity to each other.
That’s doable, right?
br /> Yeah, I think I’m dreaming, too.
Chapter 5
I awake to someone touching me. Since I was just dreaming about Declan and about what happened between us last night, which filters slowly through my mind, I assume it’s him and feel a smile hit my lips.
“Dec …” I mumble, my lips dry and my head a little fuzzy from last night’s alcohol.
I am the worst for hangovers. Even though I was barely tipsy last night, I still feel like crap and dehydrated today.
“Even better, sugar,” an unfamiliar voice says.
My eyes snap open, my body freezing when I see Bowen leaning over me, lightly stroking my face as he stares intently at me.
“What you did last night wasn’t nice,” he rumbles, his eyes flashing, though his touch is still soft. “But I forgive you. Any man who is half-decent doesn’t walk out on his lover after a little humping against a wall. He didn’t even get you undressed.” He gazes down my body, and though I can feel the bedsheet covering some of me, I don’t know how much of my skin is showing. I remain in the same pajamas from last night, but with the way Bowen is looking at me, I might as well be naked.
“What are you doing in here?” I finally manage to get past my lips.
“Just checking up on you,” he says, like it should be obvious.
“How did you get in?”
“I have my ways.” He smiles at me then, and my heart stops. Not because his smile is sweet, or it lightens his face, or because of any good reason. My heart stops because I’m suddenly so terrified that I’m not even sure I want my heart to begin beating again.
“I want you to leave.” I sound breathless.
He stares at my lips, licking his own.
I wonder how far I will get if I try to physically fight this man. If I scream, someone will surely hear me. Although, I don’t even know what the time is. What if everyone has already gotten up for the day? What if we are alone?
“Are you sure that’s what you want?”